Table of Contents


How to create a bootable Windows 7 USB flash drive and integrate the USB 3.0 drivers.

Platforms with Intel Braswell-SoC or Series-100 chipsets are missing the EHCI-mode (USB 2.0). These systems are working in modern XHCI-mode (USB 3.0) only. Unfortunately, Windows does not support XHCI out of the box. This leads to a missing keyboard/mouse function during installation. The following FAQ will guide you to integrate the correct drivers in your Windows 7 installation.

First you need the following files:

  1. Start the DVD to ISO programme, select your DVD and select the location where you want to save the ISO file
  2. Connect the USB flash drive to a USB port and start the downloaded RUFUS-Tool
    1. Check, if the selected USB flash drive is the right one.
    2. Select the right Windows 7 ISO-File.
    3. Click Start and wait until the process is complete.
  3. Start the Shuttle USB-Patcher with a right-click “as Administrator” and press “Next”
  4. Close all instances of the Windows explorer and click “Next”
  5. Click the update button, choose your USB flash drive and press “Next”
  6. The last step is to start the process by clicking the “Start” Button. The following process may take some time, please be patient. Once the process is finished, check if the installation has been completed successfully and close the programme.
  7. Now re-try to install Windows 7.

RS232/422/485 Assignment

RS-232 RS-422 RS-485
1 DCD1# 422 TX - 485 -
2 SIN1 422 TX + 485 +
3 SOUT1 422 RX -
4 DTR1 422 RX +
6 DSR1#
7 RTS1
8 CTS1#
9 RI1#

Which BIOS setting do I have to select when installing Linux?

Please make sure to use an current version of your favourite Linux distribution together with the latest kernel. We've successfully tested Ubuntu 16.10 and Linux/UEFI setting in the BIOS.

Note: Ubuntu 16.04 may not work.