Table of Contents

Product Life Cycle Information

The following tables provide an overview of the discontinued products as well as their successive products that are currently available.

Successor Overview

Find the succeeding model for your current Shuttle product here by following the arrow:


PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)

XPC cube

PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
SH570R8 →SW580R8
SZ270R9 →
SZ270R8 →
SZ170R8V2 ↑
SZ170R8 ↑
SZ87R6 ↑
SZ77R5 ↑
SZ68R5 ↑
SH370R6 Plus →SH570R6 Plus
SH370R6V2 Plus ↑
SH170R6 Plus ↑
SH370R6V2 →SH570R6
SH370R6 ↑
SH170R6 ↑
SH97R6 ↑
SH87R6 ↑
SH310R4V2 →SH510R4, SH610R4
SH310R4 ↑
SH110R4 ↑
SH81R4 ↑

XPC slim


PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
XH270 →no successor
XH170V →no successor
XH97V ↑
XH410G →XH510G, XH510G21), XH610G22)
XH110G ↑
XH310R →XH610
XH310 ↑
XH110 ↑
XH81 ↑
XH610V →no successor
XH310V →XH310RV
XH110V ↑
XH81V ↑
XH61V ↑
XC60J →no fanless successor3)

1.3-Litre (w/ fan)

PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
DQ170 →no successor
DH02U5 →DH32U5
DH670 →DH670V2, DH770
DH470C ↑
DH470 ↑
DH370 ↑
DH270 ↑
DH170 ↑
DS87 ↑
DH410S →DH610S
DH310S ↑
DH110SE ↑
DS81L ↑
DH410 →DH610
DH410C ↑
DH310V2C ↑
DH310V2 ↑
DH310 ↑
DH110 ↑
DS81 ↑
DS61 ↑

1.3-Litre (fanless)

PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
DS20U7V2 →DS50U7
DS20U7 ↑
DS10U7 ↑
DS77U7 ↑
DS67U7 ↑
DS57U7 ↑
DS20U5V2 →DS50U5
DS20U5 ↑
DS10U5 ↑
DS77U5 ↑
DS67U5 ↑
DS57U5 ↑
DS20U3 →DS20U3V2, DS50U3
DS10U3 ↑
DS77U3 ↑
DS67U3 ↑
DS57U3 ↑
DS68U →DS50U, DN30N
DS20UV2 →DS50U
DS20U ↑
DS10U ↑
DS77U ↑
DS67U ↑
DS57U ↑
DS407T ↑
DS437T ↑
DS437 ↑
DS47 ↑
DL20N6V2 →DL30N
DL20N6 ↑
DL20NV2 →DL30N
DL20N ↑
DL10J ↑
DX30 ↑


PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
XS35V5 Pro →DL30N4)
XS36V5 ↑
XS35V4 ↑
XS36V4 ↑

XPC nano

PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
NC10U7 →NC40U7
NC03U7 ↑
NC02U7 ↑
NC01U7 ↑
NC10U5 →NC40U5
NC03U5 ↑
NC02U5 ↑
NC01U5 ↑
NC10U3 →NC40U3
NC03U3 ↑
NC02U3 ↑
NC01U3 ↑
NC10U →NC40U
NC03U ↑
NC02U ↑
NC01U ↑
NS02A →NS02AV2, NS03A
NS02E →NS02EV2

XPC all-in-one

PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
P22U →P25U
P20U ↑
P51U →P52U
P51U3 →P52U3
P92U5 →no successor (yet)
P90U5 ↑
P90U3 →P92U3
P90U →P92U
X50V7U3 →X50V8U3, X50V9U3
X50V7U3L ↑
X50V6U3 ↑
X50V5U3 ↑
X50V8 →X50V9
X50V7L ↑
X50V7 ↑
X50V6 ↑
X50V5 ↑
X50V4 ↑
X70S, X70M →P92U, P92U3, P92U5

Smart Signage

PredecessorSuccessive Product(s)
D230SRV →no successor
1) , 2)
w/ 2 PCIe slots
as an alternative our XH310R in combination with the XPC accessory PCM31 enables five serial ports
see: 1.3-Litre (fanless) product family