**FAQ**: [[faq:|A compilation of frequently asked questions and answers]].\\ For questions and answers, please browse our [[faq:start|FAQ]] pages. To ask a question not covered in any of the [[faq:start|FAQ]] pages, please [[support@shuttle.eu|contact us]].
**FAQ**: [[faq:|A compilation of frequently asked questions and answers]].\\ For questions and answers, please browse our [[faq:start|FAQ]] pages. To ask a question not covered in any of the [[faq:start|FAQ]] pages, please [[support@shuttle.eu|contact us]].\\ \\ <WRAP button left>[[faq:start|Browse all FAQ pages]]</WRAP>\\
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====== Search ======
====== Search ======
{{fa>search?60&pull-right&color=#666}}Enter a Shuttle model name here and press //Search//:
{{fa>search?60&pull-right&color=#0E75B4}}Enter a Shuttle model name here and press //Search//:
**What kind of CPU, memory, video card and accessories can be used?** For a complete list of all Shuttle XPCs and supported components, please [[https://global.shuttle.com/support/supportList|visit our support pages]] managed by the Shuttle HQ team. Select the appropriate section and follow the link to the relevant support list.
**What kind of CPU, memory, video card and accessories can be used?** For a complete list of all Shuttle XPCs and supported components, please [[https://global.shuttle.com/support/supportList|visit our support pages]] managed by the Shuttle HQ team. Select the appropriate section and follow the link to the relevant support list.
For **direct access** to the individual **compatibility lists** for CPU, memory, graphics card and accessories you may also use [[compatibility|this overview]] with search function.
For **direct access** to the individual **compatibility lists** for CPU, memory, graphics card and accessories you may also use [[compatibility|this overview]] with search function.
A detailed list of compatible **XPC accessories** can be found [[faq:xpc_accessories:compatibility|right here]].
A detailed list of compatible **XPC accessories** can be found [[faq:xpc_accessories:compatibility|right here]].\\ \\ <WRAP button left>[[compatibility|Component compatibility list finder]]</WRAP> <WRAP button left>[[faq:xpc_accessories:compatibility|Accessories compatibility finder]]</WRAP>\\ \\
Download drivers, tools and free software for your Shuttle product from our [[https://global.shuttle.com/support/download| global website]] or the [[https://download.shuttle.eu/|European Download Server]].\\ {{rss>https://node2.feed43.com/latest_bios.xml nosort author }}
Download drivers, tools and free software for your Shuttle product from our [[https://global.shuttle.com/support/download| global website]] or the [[https://download.shuttle.eu/|European Download Server]].
[[https://cdn.feedcontrol.net/6059/7282-zI9UhiaZc8TZJ.xml|{{fa>rss?15&left&color=#0E75B4 |Subscribe to RSS feed}}]] Here are the **latest updates**:\\ {{rss>https://cdn.feedcontrol.net/6059/7282-zI9UhiaZc8TZJ.xml nosort author }}
Find downloads and drivers from other manufacturers here:
Find downloads and drivers from other manufacturers here:
[[product_life_cyle|{{fa>random?60&pull-right&color=#666|Product Life Cycle Information}}]]
[[product_life_cyle|{{fa>random?60&pull-right&color=#0E75B4|Product Life Cycle Information}}]]
Find the **succeeding model** for your current Shuttle product [[product_life_cyle|here]].
Find the **succeeding model** for your current Shuttle product [[product_life_cyle|here]].\\ \\ <WRAP button left>[[product_life_cyle|Product successor overview]]</WRAP>\\ \\
**What's my Shuttle model?** Try our [[faq:hardware:model_identification:model_search|search function]] for easier model identification.
**What's my Shuttle model?** Try our [[faq:hardware:model_identification:model_search|search function]] for easier model identification.\\ \\ <WRAP button left>[[faq:hardware:model_identification:model_search|Identify your product]]</WRAP>\\